Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Old Photos

As I search through my library looking for possible stock photos, I occasionally come across several that I like but can't use for lack of model releases or the quality is not high enough. This first one was taken on my way to work one morning, my coworkers were waiting for the manager to arrive to let us in, who was running late as usual. To me it captured the overall vibe of the morning shift, and the angry glare from the trash man, who unfortunately is slightly out of focus and blurred, fit with the overall sense I had of the "Real" Santa Monica vibe. I received many glares, even when my camera still had the lens cap on and was hanging around my neck, nobody wanted their picture taken!

The following two are of my Grandmother, a few years ago at a small family reunion. These were all taken available light at 1/60th of a second at f1.4, so unfortunately they are a little soft and the focus is not at the best located with such a shallow depth of field, and with the slow shutter, a little bit of motion blur. However I still think they came out nice, and I think the 3/4 one might be a nice Black and White or sepia.

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